Name: Jakob Wittendorff Age: 56 Place of residence: Ringsted, Denmark Flying experience in years: 0,5 Maturity level of airmanship (Rookie, Veteran, Ace, etc.) -> Rookie (+) Desired callsign: Fliegerfroh Desired aircraft number (see Availability List below): 68 Contact (e.g. Steam, Skype, etc.): Fliegerfroh on discord or Jakob.Wittendorff on steam How did you get to know about the I/JG7?: Youtube Miscellanea that you consider worth sharing: In my private life, I am an Officer in the DK army. I has been working with tanks and IFV's for 30+ years. DCS was brought to my attention by some very dedicated friends. Unfortunately they fly jets and I am into warbirds. Watching your youtube channel and participating on one "warbird thursday", convinced me, that JG7 will be the rigt place for me to learn and improve my skills.